Striving for a Pristine Ocean Everywhere

Encouraging Everyone To Do Their Part In Preserving Our Oceans

 Every year, 28 billion pounds of plastic ends up in our oceans. Seals get caught in discarded fishing gear and die trying to free themselves. Dolphins mistake plastic bags for their next meal and die eating them. Fish ingest deflated balloons and choke to death. 

Our team at Experience The Sea support global efforts in keeping trash out of our oceans. We do our part everyday by eliminating single-use plastics from our everyday lives. We also plan local and beach trash-collection excursions to help guide trash to where it belongs-out of our oceans.

Take a moment and think about the small and simple changes you can make to reduce your impact on our oceans. From using a reusable water bottle or simply using fewer grocery bags, small changes can set great paces to saving our marine ecosystems. 

Please contact us regarding our waste pick-up excursions and what more you can do to help save our oceans.